About Us:
Cars Land is started to deliver excellence and quality of service to its customers. At Cars Land we hand pick all the vehicles ourselves and make sure each vehicle meets the highest standards of road and safety. Each vehicle is checked thoroughly and issues or defects which are found are fixed to highest standards. We have deep understanding of how to conduct business and to satisfy our customer needs. At cars land our experience goes back to 1960’s and three generations of experience and knowledge of vehicles sales, restoration, logistics and transport.
— CarsLand.co.uk
We take in pride in our work and make sure every vehicle which is availed via our forecourt or via our website they are carefully test and checked by our trusted mechanics. At cars land we can also deliver bespoke vehicle if you have any specific requirements. We can acquire and deliver vehicles to any part of United Kingdom.
We have the capability to acquire vehicles from outside UK as well. If any customer has a requirement of vehicle which is not available in UK, we can reach our partner out side UK to acquire the model and deliver to customer within reasonable amount of time.

if you have an old project which you need to finish off or want to restore a vehicle do get in touch with us with have resources, experience and partners with the help of them we can finish off the project. Our team is led by experienced personal. Who is trained since the age of 15 with automotives and is third generation is industry. He has experience of three different markets United Kingdom, South East Asia and East Asia.
For more details Contact Us.